Closed pubs, stacked tables, signs left outside, empty streets: Kapolcs is like an abandoned city from a movie without Művészetek Völgye. This is how it looks like without the huge crowd - Gallery.
Budavári Dóra

Starting from Friday the streets of Kapolcs will be full of people and the smell of pörkölt. The yards will be filled with tents, this is the time of the year when everything becomes loud and noisy here for 10 days. But right now you wouldn't recognise the town: it is calm and peaceful.

Királykő Kocsma is open; a team from Hello Wood is building seats in its yard.

Workmen at Falumalom.

Preparation is on its way near Falumalom.

Peaceful silence without the crowd.

The market will be placed here.

We wanted to drink a fröccs in Pokol-lik, but we couldn't.

Csipszer-kert looks like this on an ordinary day.

The signs were left out; they are looking forward to Friday.

This also looks differently during the festival.