Fügekert arrived on the Balaton restaurant scene last summer, offering bountiful breakfasts (4,490 HUF) in a hidden garden in Zánka. For owner Miki Havas, it was a first venture into the culinary business. Now this guesthouse and breakfast spot has a new chef, Dávid Pallag, and an extended repertoire.

Another important figure at Fügekert is Attila Tóth, who helps with the kitchen as friend and consultant. According to him, he lends Miki’s dreams a rational touch. He has helped out with the launch of various other restaurants, including Zománc, Mi a kő and, most recently, Szomszéd Kertje. Originally brought in here as consultant, he was soon busy in the kitchen. This year, they decided to develop from a breakfast to a brunch spot. One of the reasons behind the decision was that they wanted to make use of the terrace that otherwise was standing empty after breakfast was over.
After a year spent managing the house and serving breakfast, the team felt ready to take a step further. Attila thought that a full-blown restaurant would be too much, so they settled on brunch. Once those who are staying in the guesthouse have had breakfast, the terrace opens for other customers: brunch is served until 3pm, then comes dinner.
Attila Tóth, who now also has his own place Szomszéd Kertje, found a new chef for Fügekert: Dávid Pallag was once sous chef at former Michelin-starred Tanti.

Dishes include the likes of the bruschetta with homemade pesto and urda cheese (1,490 HUF). Some herbs and spices come from Gyógynövénykert in Zánka, while the rest is from their own garden. Grilled goats' cheese is served with peach vinaigrette and mixed salad (2,590 HUF). The pulled duck sandwich comes with fig chutney (2,890 HUF). Most of the ingredients come from the surrounding area.

The chef talks about the lecsó (vegetable ragout; 2,390 HUF) with passion: it’s served with sourdough and takes about 2-3 hours to make it. The tomato base is spiced up with smoked paprika, tomato powder, grilled bell pepper, dried tomatoes and sausage crumbs.

There are also secret dishes in the evenings and at weekends, such as gazpacho with raspberry vinegar which is served with grilled kalács (Hungarian brioche) and Roquefort cheese, as well as lamb sausage with hummus.