Hungarian wines were showered with prizes at two recent award ceremonies in London.
Almost 17,000 entries from 57 countries took part in the 2019 Decanter World Wine Awards. Wines can receive a total of 100 points: those granted 97-100 points win platinum, 95-96 points gold, 90-94 points silver and 86-89 points bronze.
The Brut Classic champagne of Kreinbacher Winery from Somló gained 96 points. This is the winery’s third successful year in a row at the competition. Kreinbacher was also awarded with two silver medals for its Somló wines: the Öreg Tőkék Bora 2016 gained 92 points, the Juhfark Selection 2016 was granted 90. Their Extra Dry champagne won bronze.

Other Balaton wines were awarded silver: the 2017 Dobosi Juhfark (their Organic Kéknyelű 2017 was also recommended); Figula’s 2017 vintage Öreghegy Olaszriesling (their 2017 Szilénusz received bronze), and Varga Winery’s 2015 Aranymetszés Pinot Gris.
Gilvesy’s 2017 Váradi Furmint, Pátzay’s 2018 rosé and Figula’s 2017 Szilénusz were also awarded bronze.

From among Hungary’s wine regions, Tokaj received the most medals, including platinum for Holdvölgy Culture’s 2012 hatputtonyos Aszú, Béres Birtok’s 2013 hatputtonyos Aszú and Juliet Victor’s 2016 sweet Szamorodni.
Somló wins big
London International Wine Challenge is another prestigious competition. Similar to Decanter's, judging is thorough, with three different committees evaluating each item. About 15,000 wines take part each year, including Hungarian ones.

Tornai Winery from Somló won the key Trophy Award as well as a gold medal for their 2017 Grófi Hárslevelű. Tokaj’s Patrícius Borház also won gold for their 2013 5 Puttonyos Aszú. Tornai won gold for their 2017 Top Selection Grófi Juhfark and two Tokaj wineries received the second-highest honour. The Varga Winery from Badacsonyörs won multiple silver medals for their 2015 Aranymetszés Pinot Gris, their 2018 Friss Irsai Olivér and their 2017 Friss Olaszriesling. Tornai Winery’s 2016 Premium Juhfark and Zsirai Winery’s 2015 Nagy-Somlói Furmint were awarded bronze.