On almost every winter weekend we have a few tourist guests who are astonished by finding such a great little party place in the midst of the great winter Balaton nihil. I always tell them that our business is a 4-season business and the locals do spoil us with their presence in wintertime as well, thank God. Of course, the situation is not that simple.

One thing is for certain: we mean it when we say that the Balaton has attractions to offer all year round to visitors who are receptive. This revelation, and the fact that we hate to be bored moved us to try to stay open in the winter season as well. The "dark season" of 2010 passed under this sign. We gave it all:wine shows, thematic culinary events, and jazz concerts. It was a pretty difficult period, but it waving the flag prove to be worthwhile. Those receptive did find us and I slowly talked their head off with PR.
I take my hat off to all the Balaton hosts, who persist in winter and strive to offer quality services as far as possible. Consequently, I can recommend almost every business that answer this challenge.
Those looking for then summer buzz at this time of year are chasing shadows, it is something we cannot offer. This time of year, however, everything is slower, more intimate, relaxed and romantic. In our opinion, it is Balaton de Luxe.
Here is a list what you shouldn't miss in and around Balatonfüred in the winter:
1. The Tagore Promenade in knee-high snow
It is nice without snow, too... See, it is quite cool without the wooden stalls, isn't it?
2. Ice skating at the terrace of the Vitorlás restaurant
With mulled wine and pizza. Ice skate at your own risk.
3. Pamper yourself at a confectioner's
Choose the confectionery of your temperament and liking; e.g. Arácsi, Bergmann, Kedves. They are as good as they get. And be sure to try Uncle Árpi's rétes! (We dedicated a whole article to the confectioneries of Balatonfüred - wlb).
4. Vaszary Villa-Jókai Villa-city Museum
The cultural Bermuda Triangle, not only for field trips.
5. Drink a lot of wine!
Visit one of the cellars, let's say, the Söptei Winery. Or have glass in a restaurant like the Horváth House Cellar, a pub like the Hatlépcsős, or a wine bar like our Kredenc. Don't forget to eat something as well in these places to support sustainable mood development.
6. Enjoy the view, go for a walk, hike
Black-belt lookout spots: Koczor Inn, Figula Winery, Szent Donát Restaurant, Jásdi Terrace, Tamás-hegy, Jókai Lookout Tower, Péter-hegy. A hike in the Koloska-völgy and a visit to the wildlife park there are compulsory family programs.
7. Stay out late
Sub-mediterranean, bohemian caffé atmosphere, Saturday night live jazz or acid jatt DJ set, and good wines--this is us, Kredenc. If you are up to something more cosmopolitan, go to Karolina Café, then enjoy the night in the Cocomo.
9. Don't stop
Explore the magnificent Balaton-felvidék, Badacsony, Kis-Balaton, the south shore and the entire Somogy County as well. We are happy to see you!