Balatonkenese stands out from the rest of the towns around Balaton because of its unique location: this is the only town that’s not situated on either the north or the south shore. That’s why the marina, located next to Kenese’s biggest events park called Széchenyi Park and facing in a southwesterly direction, is pretty special too: that’s where the Kisfaludy Steamboat docked for the first time, with István Széchenyi on board.

The boat stop and the nearby marina, both of which are extremely close to the train station, were renovated at the beginning of the 00s. Unfortunately, the rules sailors have to abide by are exceptionally strict: even though the facilities are open to the public, small crafts are prohibited from berthing here; there’s room only for two larger vessels at the head of the pier.

The boat stop has a particularly favorable location on the shore: Vak Bottyán Beach, Kenese’s biggest, is almost within arm’s reach, as is the local Tourinform office where you can find out about the bike routes running through the town, among other things.
