What does lavender oil has to do with wine? If you add some lavender oil to the wine, you'll get some kind of love potion, right? Or at least we can smell the purple lavender flowers and sense their curing effect in a late-harvested Welschriesling, can't we? No, we can't.
But these stories have become the myths of Levendula Pince in Lovas, and the wine maker has no problem with that. There's nothing wrong with having a myth about the label. The secret of Ernő Jakab is different, but he'll only tell you between two sips while the two of you are staring at Balaton.
Ernő Jakab and his wife lived 500 kilometres away from Balaton a decade ago, and they used to drink beer instead of wine. Ernő drove a truck, and his wife sold different products. He didn't have any knowledge about wine making whatsoever. Then they moved to Hungary from Transylvania, and Ernő started to study wine making. Thanks to a lucky coincidence, he was in the same group as the experienced wine makers. He could taste wines after the classes, which helped him even more than textbooks.
Levendula Pince has three and a half acres of vineyards with perfect, red-clay soil. Ernő Jakab has Welschriesling, Chardonnay, Juhfark and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes on his land. This place with the vineyards and the lavender bushes give you one of the most beautiful views on the North Shore all year long: you have the local villages and almost the whole lake under your feet and in the distance the churches of South Shore are standing still in silence.
Although they see it every day, so it is a common view for Ernő Jakab and his wife in Kishegy near Alsóörs, they still know it is special. The two of them perform every part of the artisan wine making process, thus they are never bored. After so many days and nights spent together it's not surprising, that they don't have things to talk about all the time: music is great for that.