We should attract more fishers, surfers and golfers; eat more fish from the Lake and rediscover the world quality buildings of the 1960ies around the Balaton. These would revive the Lake--or at least this is what the travel column of origo.hu thinks. Although we cannot disagree with their suggestions, we believe that the Balaton does not need to be revived. The Balaton has already risen - it is just not that apparent. It is unclear for most in Hungary and might be even more questionable for those abroad. In the light of this, we brought you WLB's own points on what could make the Balaton even cooler.
There is life after 20 august
There is a common misbelief that Balaton is synonymous with summer. In reality, life does not stop around the Lake between 21 August and 14 June. There are fewer events and the water is colder (although we didn't spit ice cubes when we went for a dipping in October), but there is an ever increasing range of activities to do here from autumn to spring. There are a variety of wine tastings, wellness programmes, hiking groups, events of different magnitudes and spots open all-year-long; all it takes is a good look at the events calendar. Conquer the Tihanyi-félsziget against the muddy autumn fog and you'll find Budapest-quality pastries at the Sajkod teahouse. You just have to go and get them.
What is the Balaton, anyway?
Should you open New York Times nowadays, you are bound to find an article by an author amazed by the ruin pubs and thermal baths of Budapest. You won't find the Balaton in the the travel columns of international magazines, however. Similarly, you won't find foreigners at the Balaton. Despite the fact that during the last 10 years plenty of 4-star hotels, Gault Millau-recognised restaurants, yachtclubs, golf courses, globetrotting wine makers and English-speaking waiters popped up here, foreigners still shun the place. According to our experience, the reason is simple: they do not even know what we have here.
Think out of Budapest!
Balaton = travelling, weeks of preparations, packing. Did you unplug the iron? Admit it, this sounds pretty funny in a country which you can drive through in a matter of few hours. Luckily, more and more look at the Lake from a different point of view. On the north shore, around the Káli-medence, there is a growing numer of part-time and full-time "expats" who moved here from Budapest. They believe that the Balaton is not a distant vacation spot, but a pleasant place nearby that offers lots of opportunities and inspiration beyond summer holidays and parties. This is the message of the filmmakers behind Kodály Method and their new film about Balaton, of the inventors behind the hydrocumbent race water bike that was dreamed up for the Lake, and of the resourceful wine makers of the Badacsony Circle. And of all the committed Balaton residents, who have started their businesses with the idea that Budapest will come to the Lake and not vice versa.
Make it a Potato soup, but don't forget the Michelin stars!
So, there are fine hotels and restaurants, an increasing number of Hungarians who visit or stay, and devoted entreprenuers at work. What else could then make the Balaton cooler? For us, the Balaton is like a pot of soup with all the ingredients added, but yet uncooked. We have one more uncanny image: everyone wants Balaton to return to its old glory. We believe that it is its newfound glory that should be enhanced. Get to know it, experience it, share it. This is the key to its growth.