WLB: It has come to our attention that your book about the last 50 years of the Rege Confectionery in Tihany was recently published. Why did you write this book?
Margit Kelemen: I wrote it because I believe all of it would be lost once I leave this place. There are quite a number of people with quiete a number of different ties to Rege, and I'd be sorry to see it all gone. This is a place to which the staff that worked here in the communist era returns even from abroad. We have a lot of regulars, for whom this confectionery is a nice and important place. On the other hand: this is my life.
WLB: What do you think makes a confectionery run fine? What makes a routine task special?
Margit Kelemen: Everyone is baffled by me, the boss being here everyday. I recognize the people who have already visited and I'm friendly with those who are on their first visit. I'd like to give them pleasant minutes and hours, and I realize along the way that I even remember their dogs' names clearly. This is not a special recipe, this is the basis to build on.
WLB: How would you summarize the story of Rege for those who have not read your book?
Margit Kelemen: The Rege Presso belonged to the Hungária Hotel until the systems change; in 1990, we teamed up with them and set up an Ltd. In the beginings, we brought the cakes from the central bakery of Marina, but I wanted us to have our own pastry workshop, and fortunately we did set up one. In 1990, Rege underwent a major transformation: it has become less intimate, but more spacious, and there were of course necessary safety improvements. I had played a great role in shaping the old Rege, so this one is new for me, but I'm trying to preserve the spirit of the old place.
WLB: Where did you get the inspiration for the transformation, if you've always worked here?
Margit Kelemen: I don't really know; I have never looked around to see how it looked and worked in other places. I hardly knew other place sin Hungary. Still, one has that sense of beauty, and I believe I relied on that completely.
WLB: Where and from whom did you learn the most in terms of your profession?
Margit Kelemen: After having finished the Catering School, I picke dup everything I needed to from Erzsike (Mrs István Solymár). She then moved on the Virág Confectionery in Szeged, but I wanted to give her special recognition on occasion of the 50th anniversary. I found out by chance where I her grandchild lived, and I sent him a complimentary copy of the book to Ireland. He was so happy that someone paid tribute to his grandma!

WLB: What do you think your strongest connection to Rege is? The city, the tasks, the place itself or the people?
Margit Kelemen: Rege has grown important to me primarily because of the guests. It is nice to be loved, isn't it? If someone enters, I remember them, I even remember where they sat and we can continue chatting where we left off. I wanted to create an informal, humane place, and I strive to preserve this, but it is increasingly difficult to do so. It is difficult to find staff, who approach catering like me.
WLB: Was noone disturbed by your informality? Were there guests who took it as an intrusion to their personal space?
Margit Kelemen: No, I believe this is partly why they become regulars. I'll tell you a story. There was a complained when paying that the spoon he got for his coffee was not the right one. I stared at them for while, than asked 'How come you're still alive?' He was speechless, so I added, 'How come your wife has not killed you yet?'
A few months later, the Rácz family wrote into my guest book: 'Dear Queen Margit, be blessed in your wonderful creation for several years to come! We wish You strength and resources to safeguard and protect this unique wonder, a gem of Hungary. We wish You as much love in return as You put in tending to this place.'
WLB: There is yet another name strongly associated with Rege Confectionery. Is Terike still in the kitchen?
Margit Kelemen: We worked together for 19 years, but two years ago, just after cooking the ice-cream, she collpased and died. Since, others have been baking from her recipes.
WLB: In which part of the year is Rege Confectionery open?
Margit Kelemen: We open on 15 March amd close on the last Sunday of October.
WLB: Unofficially, how long is Rege open on any day?
Kelemen Margit: Until 9 PM the maximum, because of the Abbey. In the good old times, we were sometimes open until 11 PM - then again tehre were late night buses, while today the bus timetables are awful.
WLB: Is the ice-cream cooked on spot?
Margit Kelemen: Yes, our ice-cream has preserved the same quality for a long time. The recipe is originally from Kálmán Gönczi, who arrived from Budapest to Kedves Confectionery before signing up with us. Our ice-cream is free of additives: the fruity ones are churned with egg yolk, tand we use cream for the milky ones. Once, someone asked if there was flour in our ice-cream. I was quite stunned.
WLB: What are the specialities of Rege, apart from the ice-cream?
Margit Kelemen: It is by all means a speciality that we prepare everythign just like in the old times. The Rege cake is quite popular - it was conceived by Terike a long time ago: we spread apricot jam over the walnut-seasoned dough, ice it with chocolate and put walnut crwam on top. Our Somlói is also famous far and wide: it has rum, raisins and walnut in it and is drenched with punch.
WLB: How many types of cake do you offer in Rege?
Margit Kelemen: At least 25 different types in the summer.
WLB: Why was the place named Rege Presso?
Margit Kelemen: It had to be a presso to sell spirits. Why Rege? I did a whole a lot of research, but I could not find that out.
WLB: Who are your favourite celebrity regulars?
Margit Kelemen: The Mádl family, for example. They fell in love with Rege before Mr President was elected President of Hungary. They gave me a lot of love, in the form of compliments, gifts or their presence.
WLB: What are your bad experiences?
Margit Kelemen: Negative feedback that I consider unjust. Recently, tehre happened something noteworthy. A young man stated that our lemonade was gross and illusion shattering. It turned out that he had problems with real lemons, on account of the floating pulp.