Organized by the Badacsony Guild Tourinform Association, the Wine Weeks this year will take place in Díszpark, located in the centre of town. Ambient tunes selected to complement the wine-tasting experience, spectacular visual elements and a romantic garden location will guarantee a really intimate and familiar vibe.
The products of local gastronomy will feature much more strongly in this year’s event than ever before, presenting visitors with an even wider choice of flavours. Try every one of the most delicious wines made by local wineries, get to know the traditions of the wine region or take your pick from a versatile schedule of open-air concerts and crafts programmes.
Save the date: The Wine Weeks open on 18 July. Don’t miss the Badacsony adventure, come and taste the nectars of more than a dozens wineries, listen to the open-air concerts, visit the art events and try the culinary delights on display.
To peek your interest, here are some of the confirmed performers:
23 July - Ocho Macho
23 July - FRB
24 July - Mary PopKids
25 July - Balkán Fanatik
31 July - Budapest Nufolk Revolution
1 August - Kistehén Tánczenekar
Attendance is free of charge.