Last Saturday afternoon Siófok and Szabadi-Sóstó watched people with zombie-like movements, worn-out limbs and bandages battle the kilometres – the last 12 of 212. They could still smile in the finishing straight, right before falling to their knees – which is truly understandable – after 30 hours of running. The air was festive and the competitors were welcomed by a round of applause and medals – individual runners even received a dedicated piece of the finish tape. After the race came everything that these heroes avoided during the preparations, including alcohol free beer and ice-creams.
472 teams and 181individuals registered to participate in Ultrabalaton: relay team members switched places after 10-20 kilometres, while individuals faced the 212 kilometres on their own. The race around Lake Balaton started out from Club Aliga in Balatonvilágos in the direction of the north shore and returned to the same location on Saturday.
Smiling After 30 Hours of Running - Ultrabalaton
With 212 kilometres and 30 hours of running behind, smiles still hold. We greeted the participants of Ultrabalaton at the finishing straight.