DORKO launched its most recent collection titled Balaton on the bank of the Danube. Created by a handful designers, the T-shirts in the collection exude a Venice Beach vibe, even if one of the most iconic pieces features the classic saying “For me Balaton is the Riviera”.

Dorko has launched a 30-piece Balaton-themed collection. The designers participating in the project have been selected through a competition, but there are also some invited artists who have been asked to contribute a few items. The works of Koby, who has gained notoriety for his scandalous T-shirts, and Teréz Havancsák, currently working in America as head designer of The North Face, are also included in the collection. It is an eclectic mix indeed: lángos with cheese, a paddleboat with a Hungarian flag, a couple of smooching swans and the silhouette of Lake Balaton are all featured.

Everyone has at least one unforgettable story about Balaton. This is what inspired Hungarian clothing brand Dorko to launch a public competition in a bid to find designers for its latest collection called Balaton. The brand had called on everyone and anyone to submit incisive, contemporary and creative works - drawings, paintings, photos and tags - over the past couple of weeks. Three winners were chosen in the end: Fanni Krónusz, Miklós Somogyi and Dániel Petró are enthusiastic amateurs for the time being, but who knows, they may be recruited for the Dorko design team in the future.

Participation in the competition was basically open to everyone. The Playersroom team is totally aware of what kind of clothes are in high demand in their stores, so they made no secret of the fact that they based their final decision about which contestant’s designs to manufacture and sell on their recent experience with customers. It matters what the consumers want to see in the shops. Future cooperation will depend on the success of the collection. As the brand had ambitious plans, better-known designers were invited to contribute, too.

In the long run, Dorko aims to provide Hungarian artists active in fine arts or other creative areas with a platform, publicity and opportunities. Koby, who has been a designer at Dorko for some time now, is a painter originally. Creative and graphic designer Gergely Walkó, on the other hand, came from advertising.

Fashion designer Lilla Oláh of the brand fufavi and fashion designer Teréz Havancsák have also designed pieces for the Balaton collection. According to Oláh, all pieces of the fufavi brand have somewhat of a vintage vibe, so it is hardly surprising that her T-shirt features retro beachgoers on the Balaton shore as well as the Zánka Pioneer Camp. Teréz Havancsák, the one-time member of the USE team, now lives in America. She’s been recently contacted by The North Face to join the brand as head designer, so it is an exceptional honour for Dorko that she agreed to be part of creating the Balaton collection. The item designed by her features a very feminine, black drawing, which shows a swan, a pier, a bunch of grapes and the beach.

The 30-piece Balaton collection will soon be sold at main Playersroom stores and online.