Also when it's freezing
We would like to spare you the real time recounting of the history of this Tihany marketplace- let's leave it at that there was a Budapest-based art gallery guy (who spent summers sailing on Lake Balaton), then at the snap of the finger there was a uniform image with beige and white tents, antiquities, a beautifully renovated building, and a sign pointing to the right by the road, saying "Tihanyi Piac Placc here". The story, foo course, is much more complicated than that; it took the perseverance of Ákos Peleskey and the will to have food-drink-art at the same spot, both in the winter and the summer. In the meantime, the relationship with the Káptalantóti market is also cool: they have the Sunday, but on Saturdays you should stop in Tihany.
Not only to eat
Aside from the goods, the other strength of this market is the recognition that going to the market could be more than just mum and dad passing between the stalls arm-in-arm to buy cheese and mushrooms from their usual vendors. In Tihany, the market experience is accompanied by services that make it worthwhile to stay some more, sit down or drop by even when the pantry is full. There is bistro serving light dishes and lemonade. The little ones can release tension on the playground, getting away from the discussion about the fresh scent of onions, which clearly fail to captivate them.
The Wednesday-Friday-Saturday triangle
Most of the visitors leave the place with a basketful of local fruit syrups, jams, goat cheese, and potted basil, even if they only planned on windowshopping. The "we fancied it but have to leave it" list is still pretty long:its items include everything imaginable from repainted garden chairs to the skateboards. Don't let the eclectic variety of the items confuse you, this is one of the most polished markets around Lake Balaton: it boasts of a uniform image, arts events and assorted vendors
This marketplace is airy and well-structured: you don't have to rush through your buying list, you can also stay and just be. The goods on sale include specialities like the violet- or the dandellion syrup, the fig mustard, and the the marrow toast, but you'll also find the classical selection of ribs, homemade potato crisps, canned fruits, goat cheeses and sweet breads here.The market is open from 4 PM till sundown on summer Wednesdays and Fridays as well.