We don't know what audience chanced upon the survey of maiutazas.hu, but it seems somewhat unrealistic that 39% of the respondents finds time for sports every day while on holiday. Of course one can argue what the notion of sports includes, as it is a fact that going paddle biking has retained its popularity (82%) for over 20 years now. It does seem, however, closer to truth that every second person takes a selfie at the Balaton, still not all of today's trends have reached the shores yet.
The results of the survey (wherein 59% of the respondents did actually visit Lake Balaton this year) make it clear that the gastronomical revolution is as far from the lakeside as Putin is from the Nobel Peace Prize 2014. The Pavlovian response is triggered primarily by pancakes (80%), sausages (79%) and hake (73%). For now. This didn't really catch us unawares, but the fact that in the crossfire of so many local wineries people travelling to Lake Balaton still yearn more for a good cold beer than a glass of Légli or Jásdi is beyond odd.