It began as a hobby, but his first video about the depths of Lake Balaton hit 120 000 views on YouTube. Encouraged by the response, the Balatonalmádi resident university student went on with the Underwater-Lake Balaton project, which now reached its third and final part.

A waterproof camera for birthday, grandpa's tripod, a marina manager dad, and the proximity of Lake Balaton. This is all it took Dávid Szekeres to forgo sunsets and point his camera underwater instead. Hence, Dávid took his camera support and recorded footages with the camera stuck underwater, as if he was scuba diving.

Now the third and final episode of his project is here:

Previously, he had uploaded two similar videos to YouTube: he recorded the first images in the spring of 2014 and he was surprised by the clarity of the water and the abundance of the flora and fauna. The footage showed entire schools of fish crossing the picture.This was the highly successful first video that has counted over 120 000 views since:

Dávid's second video focused on a less known attraction of Balatonalmádi, a half-sunken fishing boat and the surrounding vivid wildlife by one of the more secluded parts of Almádi's shore.