We already explained everything about MOL Nagyon Balaton, now we'd like to take the lid off something that we have been cooking for a while now. Together with the organizers of the event series, we are launching a summer-long contest with prizes. Throughout these three month, we'll have a contest around a different theme every week. All you'll have to do is to post pictures with the #nagyonbalaton hashtag on your public Instagram profile.
The most creative entries could win VIP tickets for two for Mastercard Balaton Sound, Strand, B.my.Lake, Kálibuli, or Paloznaki Jazz Piknik with Oszkár Telekocsi carpool rides; a dinner at Kishableány, Matróz, Paletta or Pura Vida Dine; as well as Art Hekk, Balcsi Original and Stég Skateboarding clothes.
The prizes vary from week to week, and we'll announce three grand prize winners at the end of August, who'll win tickets for next year's major festivals, as well as gastronomical and clothing prizes. In order to be eligible for the grand prize, you have to participate in at least two different weekly campaign with an Instagram photo with the #nagyonbalaton hashtag. You can check out the prizes here.
In order for you to see the progress of the contest, we have created a surface over at the MOL Nagyon Balaton official homepage, where you can see the best photos of photos of each week's task. The site will also feature plenty of information about the festivals and We Love Balaton articles.