The Istvándy family kicked off the season with a series of successes. At this spring’s Vinea Balaton judging session, their winery’s Welschriesling was awarded the BalatonBor trademark, and they were also included in the higher category called HegyBor. Meanwhile, the cellar transitioned into a new era around early spring named after Kéknyelű, a grape variety grown exclusively on the vineyards of Badacsony, which the family has placed special emphasis on in the past few years.
The Istvándys have always been open to change, but the cellar has lacked a sort of youthful momentum until now. Maybe it’s the old-fashioned website, the cool, reserved style of the wine labels, or the “elegance bottled up” slogan; in any case, despite the wine terrace and the stunning panorama, we’d always thought this venue was more suitable for dinner than a relaxed fröccs party.
Opened a few weeks ago, the picnic bar next to the wine terrace brought a new vibe to the neighborhood; it might just become our favorite open-air location for a drink this summer.