The Gyenesdiás Tourism Association awaits everyone with holiday cheer, roast chestnuts and mulled wine to the square in front of the town hall on 13 and 14 December.

The two-day weekend event will include music, festive performances, cookie and gingerbread house making competition, plus a playhouse and handicraft hut for the kids.

13 December (Saturday)
16.00 Opening with chestnut cake
16.30-18.30 Playhouse at the Town Hall
17.30 Christmas performance of the Drama Group and Choir of the Gyenesdiás Elementary School
17.45 Varázshangok Family Choir and friends
18.30 Advent candle lighting by the nativity scene (Pásztorház)
19.00 Prize draw

14 December (Sunday)
Opening, cookie sale
15.00-18.00 Advent playground with folk toys, gingerbread making an handicraft hut (wire jewels, beads, cornhusk angel) by the Pásztorház
15.30-17.30 Playhouse at the Town Hall
from 16.00 Christmas fish soup tasting
16.30 Cookie contest results ceremony
18.00 Prize draw

On both days: fragrant roast chestnut, mulled wine, roast sausage, fair.