Várpalota awaits you and your buddies, too at this summer''s biggest alternative music festival in Várpalota. Alfa Fesztivál offers Hungarian pop music''s best bands. 

Daily ticket: 2499 HUF
3-day ticket in advance: 5990 HUF
3-day ticket at the location: 6900 HUF
Punnany Massif, Kaukázus, The Carbonfools, Maszkura és a Tücsökraj, Magashegyi Underground, A.K.K.E.Z.D.E.T.P.H.I.A.I., Lord, Firkin, Prosectura, Konyha, Kalapács, Ivan and the Parazol, Irie Maffia, Moby Dick, Intim Torna Illegal, Colorstar, Belga, Auróra, Anna and the Barbies, Alvin és a Mókusok, Deák Bill Gyula, Ossian, Akela, Bikini, The Grenma, Nagy Feró és a Beatrice, Omen, DSP, Sub Bass Monster és Rómeó Vérzik.