The Badacsony Pinot gris and Magyar Grey Cattle Festival welcomes everyone to Badacsontördemic with a wonderful food and wine selection and a wide range of culture programmes between 15 and 17 August!

Participating wineries:
Nyári Pince
Borbély Családi PincészetGelléri Pince
Vinifera Kézműves Borház
Léránt Pince


15 August (Friday):
16.00 Opening ceremony 
17.00 Pinot gris wine contest
19.00 Dance with the Rió Duo

16 August (Saturday):
10.00 Folk games and handicraft workshops for kids
14.00 Tördemic Folk Dance Ensemble
Marcali Baglas Fundamentum Folk Dance Ensemble
Keletfénye Belly Dance Group
Jump for Fun acrobatic tightrope show 
Talentum Elementary Arts School - Marcali
Morzsa Folk Dance Ensemble - Zákány 
Eszterházy Festival Orchestra
18.00 Communla dance with the Tördemic Folk Dance Ensemble and the Harangláb Folk Band
19.30 Sipőcz Rock Band

17 August (Sunday):
09.00 Procession from the Lábdi train station via the Római út to the Village House
11.00 Grey cattle goulash cooking contest -start
13.30 Kacagó Gerle, Csabrendek, and Zitherfreunde Arion Linz zither players
15.00 Results ceremony: cookie competition 
Hegyközségi wine contest
Pinot gris wine contest
The most beautiful kitchen gardens
Goulash contest
Prize draw
19:00 Silver Band

Guests can enjoy roast grey cattle sausage, goat cheese and an artisan's fair every morning.
Photo exhibition by György Faragó, exhibition by Ferenc Herczeg and an 500+ piece pre-1945 Badacsony postcard exhibition.