After the succesful beginnings, the fish will take over Siófok again in October, in the frame of the 2nd Balaton Fish Festival.

The chefs of Siófok proved last year that there is no limit to creativity when it comes to fish courses. Therefore, the prganizers announced a creative fish cooking contest this year, hoping that the chefs will yet again create sensational dishes, using seasonal ingredients, to prove that there is no better food than fish. The audience, of course, will have the opportunity to sample the creations.
The festival does not only revolve around fish dishes, but also presents the "protagonists" in aquariums and on screen in popular cartoons.
Siófok has been striving at offering quality entertainment for years, so this ffestival will also bring you the cream of Hungarian light music. The programme of the 2nd Balaton Fish Festival includes names like Bori Péterfy and Kiscsillag.