The Balaton Writers' Week in Keszthely this year focuses on the wife of the poet Sándor Petőfi, Júlia Szendrey.


22 September, 18:00
Júlia Szendrey, a Wife Misunderstood

Balaton Theatre, Básti Hall
Oratorio in memory of Júlia Szendrey.
Feat: dr. Balázs Fűzfa and students

23 September, 10.00 – 13.00
Keszthely high schools
Out-of-ordinary Literature classes
Júlia Szendrey - differently
With guest lecturers

23 September 18.00
Balaton Theatre, Simándy Hall
HÉVÍZ magazine, the release of the new edition
With: Balázs Szálinger – József Attila Award-winning poet, Renátó Fehér – poet

24 September, 18.00
Balaton Theatre, Básti Hall
'Bring a Petőfi poem with you!'
With: Ferenc Mészáros - poet

25 September, 14.00
Júlia Szendrey  Memorial Room
A visit to Júlia's birthplace
WIth: dr. Gábor Lukács

26 September, 14.00
Balaton Theatre, Básti Hall
John, the Valiant exhibition
An exhibition and the awards ceremony of the elementary school drawing contest

26 September, 14.30
Balaton Theatre, auditorium
IGRICEK - concert