In the frame of this year's BorPart (WineShore) series, a vintner friend will be the guest of Kredenc Bistro on the Friday of every second week. Vintners will each introduce 6 of their wines that mirror the beauty of their vineyard and the philosophy of their winery best, in the frame of an informal, chatty wine tasting.

The second guest is the Pálffy family winery, on 28 November. The Pálffy wines have been receiving growing attention both from the public and the profession and duly so. The basic items already display the unique characteristics of the Káli Basin terroir, while the traditional, barrel-made wines are comparable to the best.

There'll be talking about the Balaton, the Balaton Uplands, the Káli Basin, Köveskál, wine tourism and wines.

Book a table and do not plan anything for the (Satur)day after!


14 November - Bezerics cellar
28 November - Pálffy cellar
12 December - Bujdosó cellar