The first weekend of July is all about dixieland and bream in Gyenesdiás. The event features the Molnár Dixieland Band and the Happy Dixieland Band, but amateurs can also test their skills against each other in the frame of the Dixie Olympiad. If the wooden spoon suits you better than any musical instrument, you can also participate in the fish soup cooking contest

Friday evening, the 50-year-old Molnár Dixieland Band takes the stage, while on Saturday they are followed by Happy Dixieland Band. The organizers welcome the registration of amateurs, soloists and singers as well.

On Sunday, guests are entertained with dance and games at the Games Beach, while from 7 PM, the Keszthely Jazz Műhely and the Gábor&Gábor band take the stage in Kárpáti Park.

Guests can enjoy roast bream all weekend long and participate in the fish soup cooking contest on Sunday