On 23 January, enjoy a wine dinner at the Akasztói Horgászpark és Halascsárda (Akasztó Fishing Centre and Fish Csárda) and the wines of the Fáncsi Hegyi Pince.


  • Fáncsi Hegyi Pince - Balatonboglári királyleányka (Fetească regală)
  • Sturgeon steak tartare on toast, salad with balsamic vinegar
    Fáncsi Hegyi Pince - Sauvignon Blanc 
  • Honeyed pumpkin purée with ham chips
    Fáncsi Hegyi Pince - Irsai Olivér 2014 
  • Hungarian catfish roll with cream and mushroom homemade pasta
    Fáncsi Hegyi Pince - Rosé 2014
  • Beef ribs in cabernet gravy, blue cheese potato and chanterelle
    Fáncsi Hegyi Pince - Merlot 2011 
  • White chocolate mousse with raspberry cream
    Fáncsi Hegyi Pince - Muscat Ottonel