Everything revolves around catfish on the first weekend of September in Fonyód, thanks to the 2nd Catfish Festival.


Friday, 5 September:
Venue: Fonyód marina

16:00 Interactive kids' programmes
16:00 Vagabanda stilted giant puppet show, fair
17:00 Opening
18:00 Sunset tour ofFonyód's row of villas with local historian István Varga (from the elementary school)
18:00 Catfish dinner with operetta tunes by Győző Leblanc and Éva Tóth
20:00 Republic concert
22:00 Extázis concert

Saturday, 6 September:
Venue: Fonyódliget Fishing Park

In the daytime:free jumping castle and interactive kids' playhouse.
Life in the Grove . tour with boating
11:00 Fonyód Highwaymen's folk dance show
11:30 Fishing for catfish - presentation
12:00 Zither music for a fish lunch with the Kék Balaton Zither Band
12:00 Cooking catfish dishes
12:30 Operetta show
13:30 Catfish fishing
14:00 Portéka Children's Theatre  - interactive show
15:00 Vaklárma band
16:00 Fok music with the Bojtár band
17:00 Máté Péter tribute

Venure: Fonyód marina

18:30 Bojtár band - folk music
19:30 Daavid (Muzsika TV)
20:30 Viktor Weisz (Voice finalist)
22:00 Fireworks
22:10 Retro disco with Dj. Forkman

Sunday, 7 September:
Venue: Fonyód marina

10:00 The history of Balaton fishing - presentation
10:30 Gastro show with celebrity chef Róbert Bede and comedian András Szőke
14:00 Dió Band - folk music
15.00 The role of Balaton fishing in the tourism of the Lake - discussion panel
16:00 Fonyód Highwaymen - folk dance
17:00 Pannon Gypsy Band
18:00 Hungary - Northern Ireland soccer game on the big screen