On 26 July, Magashegyi Underground takes the stage of Blue sPot Café at the Valley of Arts.

The band was founded by college friends Máriusz Fodor Máriusz and János Kardos-Horváth in 2004, back then with a different singer. The project was put on the backburner for  a while due to the success of Kardos-Horváth's other band Kaukázus. The founders sought out Bíborka Bocskor in 2006, and recorded the song Szeplős váll with the singer also known from TV talent show.
The band then was dissolved, and was only reborn in 2009 with a new line-up without Kardos. Since then they have released several successful albums, like Szívtakarítás, Ezer erdőRagyogásEzer város and Tegnapután.