In the past 16 years, Magna Cum Laude has gone through a lot to get from their original practice room in Gyula to some of the biggest stages in the country. Made up of members Misi Mező, Tibi Szabó and Misa Kara, the band has published many records, made lots of music videos and played hundreds of gigs over the years, and on November 21 they’ll hit the stage at Veszprém’s prestigious Hangvilla.

Also featuring keyboard player Marci Lesták and drummer Máté Török, the ensemble is equally popular among the fans of more contemplative music and energetic youngsters that love a good party. Called “Sitting and playing music”, this concert is an exclusive event, with only a few other similar performances taking place every year.

The acoustic concert will feature songs with new instrumentation, as well as the Virtuózok chamber orchestra, which will add a symphonic sound to the well known hits of Magna Cum Laude. An evening full of acoustic and sometimes symphonic tunes, songs from the album “Köszönet” and the band’s most popular hits – even the biggest fans can expect some surprising moments.