In addition of its cultural and gastronomical events, Nyitott Balaton also provides opportunities for enjoying nature. Join the tour of the Balaton-felvidéki National Park on 2 May to discover the ethnographic and natural values of the Tihany Peninsula.

Discover the village's ethnographic and architectural traditions, and mosaic from the early Middle Ages at the Benedictine Abbey. Visit the nearby Barátlakások that is monks' cells carved into rock.Learn about the legends of Tihany and hear the echo for yourself.

As a closing, participants will visit Lake Belső for wine tasting and the interactive exhibition of the Levendula Ház Visitor Centre, which will also sum up the tour.

Route: Boat stop – Ciprián-forrás – Barátlakások – Óvár – Visszhang-domb – Abbey – Levendula-Ház Visitor Centre