Head over to Tihany between 1 and 11 May to enjoy pleasant spring days recharged with unforgettable experiences in the frame of Open Balaton.

Events in Tihany:
3 May: Musical market at the Tihany Rév on Saturday morning.
10 May: Musical market at the Tihany Rév on Saturday morning.
10 May: Tihany Picnic in the Tihany courtyard of the Kogart Exhibitions, Staurday afternoon
10 May: The lights of Balaton, lantern-lit sailboat procession, organized by the Tihanyi Hajós Egylet
9-11 May: Tea time in the Levendula Ház; bring your own mug to get lavender tea with honey between 3 PM and 5 PM
1-11 May: Borrow an auido guide for free from the Infopont Tihany, sightseeing and hiking routes in Hungarian, English and German
Participating restaurants and cafés in Tihany:
Infopont Tihany (Batthyány u., Tel.: 87/538-008): 15% discount on products consumed on spot (coffee, refreshments, cakes and cookies) with the coupon from the magazine Élmény Itthon
Tűzkert Restaurant (Batthyány u. 15. Tel.: 87/438-015): buy 2 desserts and get 2 coffees for free
Gulyás Udvar Restaurant (Mádl Ferenc tér 2. Tel.: 87/438-051): your 3rd drink is for free
Echo Restaurant (Visszhang domb, Tel.: 70/946-6687): buy 2 main courses and get 1 dessert for free; the 3rd coffee is for free
Tihanyi Doll Museum's Caffé (Visszhang u. 4., Tel.: 87/448-431): 3rd drink (coffee or refreshment) is for free
Karolina Fűszerkertje Restaurant (Alsókopaszhegyi út 35., Tel.: 30/605-6311): Free dessert (Karolina cake) if you buy a soup+main course or an antipasto+main course
Participating accomodations:
Csátó Guesthouse: Petőfi u. 6., Tel.: 20/951-6022
Barackvirág Pension: Aranyház u. 32., Tel.: 87/714-851
Adler Hotel & Restaurant: Alsókopaszhegyi u. 1/A., Tel.: 87/538-000
Aqulio Hotel Panoráma: Lepke sor 9-11., Tel.: 87/538-220
Viktória Pension: Kenderföld út 37., Tel.: 20/955-7440
Balaton Limnological Research Institue of the HAS Guesthouse: Klebelsberg Kuno u. 3. Tel.: 87/448-114
Rebeka Panzió: Aranyház u. 24., Tel.: 70/454-7745, rebekapanzio@gmail.com
Participating service providers in Tihany:
Tihany Tourist (Kossuth u. 11., Tel.: 87/448-481): free Tihany tourist map and free, unique Tihany postcard for tourists