Between 1 and 11 May, Alsóörs awaits you with colourful events in the frame of Open Balaton, including a bike tour, geo-hikes, sailing, pub cinema and tons of other, thrilling options.

Thursday, 1 May
  9.00 – 16.00 free sailing in the Alsóörs port (rain check: 4 May)
  9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
 10.00 bike tour starts from the Tourinform office
 10.15 riders from Csopak join to the bike tour at the Resti Buffet
Friday, 2 May
 10.00 warm-up aerobic next to teh Resti Buffet
 10.30 What do stones tell you? with Juli Sárdy Time-travellers and adventurers, this hiking variety is for you! Take part in this light geo-hike that uncovers exciting events from the history of Earth and points out numerous appearances of the red stone of Alsóörs in forests, stone quarries, among the statues in the garden of a stone carver, and in the walls of wine cellars.
 21.00 Pub Cinema Alsóörs screens the Hungarian family movie Szeleburdi vakáció for free.
Saturday, 3 May
  9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
 10.00 Mandula long-distance hike registration, start/finish at the Tourinform office
 10.00 – 15.00 free horse riding for kids with heritage hussar colonel Gábor Abonyi in Lovas
  from 10.00 whole-day beach programme at the Alsóörs beach with archery, blood donation and culture programmes. With: Malomvölgy Elementary School, Napraforgó Kindergarten, Búzavirág Folk Song Circle, Sirály Pensioners' Club, Holló Band. The day ends with the 1st Balaton Laser Show and a street party.

Almond Riviéra in Csopak

Flavours, shapes, sounds, games, music and sunshine. Celebrate the almond blossom with us on the Riviera of Lake Balaton! Taste delicious cakes or participate in the cake competition! Bake a delicious cake, use almond as an ingredient, and participate in the competition for valuable prizes! Submit your creations at the beach of Csopak from 2 PM to 2:50 PM on Saturday, 3 May. Head of jury: Miklós Szamos, pastry-maker. Jury: Szonja Oroszlán (actress), Tibor Ambrus (mayor of Csopak), Sándor Semsei (Head of the Riviéra Tourism Association), and Zsolt Hebling (vice mayor of Csopak).
Programmes begin at 2 PM on the Csopak beach, with: Roland Dávid, the Brassdance, Csopak Pensioners' Club.
Sunday, 4 May
9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
10.00 hiking along the Riviera with Zoltán Sipőcz
10.00 – 15.00 free horse riding for kids with heritage hussar colonel Gábor Abonyi in Lovas

Monday, 5 May
9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
10.00 bike tour starts from the Tourinform office
10.15 riders from Csopak join to the bike tour at the Resti Buffet
Tuesday, 6 May
10.00 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
10.30 What do stones tell you? with Juli Sárdy Time-travellers and adventurers, this hiking variety is for you! Take part in this light geo-hike that uncovers exciting events from the history of Earth and points out numerous appearances of the red stone of Alsóörs in forests, stone quarries, among the statues in the garden of a stone carver, and in the walls of wine cellars.
Wednesday, 7 May
9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
10.00 hiking along the Riviera with Zoltán Sipőcz
Thursday, 8 May
9.30 warm-up aerobic at the Resti Buffet (Csopak)
10.00 geo-hike with Szilárd Somlai: What do the tiny creatures in the Csopak forrás tell us about? Come and visit the garden of the Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate (Csopak, Kossuth u. 16), where we'll uncover the secrets of these tiny creatures while strolling along the Pele Study Trail!
Friday, 9 May
10.00 warm-up aerobic at the Resti Buffet (Csopak)
10.30 What do stones tell you? with Juli Sárdy Time-travellers and adventurers, this hiking variety is for you! Take part in this light geo-hike that uncovers exciting events from the history of Earth and points out numerous appearances of the red stone of Alsóörs in forests, stone quarries, among the statues in the garden of a stone carver, and in the walls of wine cellars.
Saturday, 10 May
9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
10.00 Nordic Walking with Ági Hajdú from the Tourinform office in Alsóörs
10.00 bike tour starts from the Tourinform office
10.15 riders from Csopak join to the bike tour at the Resti Buffet
(torch-lit water procession in the evening)
Sunday, 11 May
9.30 warm-up aerobic on the Alsóörs beach
10.00 bike tour starts from the Tourinform office
10.15 riders from Csopak join to the bike tour at the Resti Buffet
The programmes take place at the beaches of Alsóörs and Csopak, where buffets, discounts and free sunbeds await guests.

Further information
  70/371-8501 Zelinda Zakar
  20/244-6923 Gyöngyi Hajmásy