The 2014/2015 season of the Open University series of the Dezső Laczkó Museum in Veszprém revolves around the 100th anniversary of World War I.

Presentations start at 16:30.

Semester I.

14/Oct/2014 Three siblings in WW1
With: historian Pál Rainer, LDM

11/Nov/2014 Austro-Hungarian WW1medals in service of propaganda and the army
With: Gergely Sallay, head of dept. at the Museum of Military History

09/Dec/2014 Austro-Hungarian uniforms in the Great War
With: Ferenc Bálint head museologist at the Museum of Military History

13/01/2015 Austro-Hungarian medals in WW1
With: Attila Pandula ass. prof. at ELTE

Semester II.

10/Febr/2015 Wartime innovations in the uniforms of Austria-Hungary
With: Tamás Baczoni head museologist, Museum of Military History

10/March/2015 City of Veszprém imperial and royal reserve hospital
With: Gabriella Jakusch  head of dept. at  Museum of Military History

14/Apr/2015 Life in Veszprém during WW1
With: Anna Kákonyi historian, LDM

12/May/2012 The effects of WW1 in the back country: fashion history, alternatives, nettle war
With: Márta Egervári, restorer, LDM

2015. 06. 09. A világháború az irodalomban
Előadó: Pilipkó Erzsébet irodalomtörténész, LDM