József Balogh, the young pianist prodigy was born to a family of musicians in 1979. He earned an excellent diploma at the Liszt Academy of Music and has won numerous Hungarian and international prizes. His solo album, Hungaricum won the Grand Prix of the Franz Liszt International Album Competition in 2005. He has toured 20+ countries of 3 continents and worked with acclaimed conductors.


  • Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody no.2.
  • W. A. Mozart: Turkish march
  • F. Chopin: Waltz in C sharp minor
  • C. Debussy: Jimbo's Lullaby
  • L.-C. Daquin: Le Coucou
  • M. P. Musorgsky: Pictures pof an Exhibition – Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
  • György Kurtág : Games– The Bunny and the Fox
  • György Orbán : Criminal Tango
  • Mendelssohn–Liszt –Horovitz: Wedding march