Művészetek Völgye is a special program series between July 25 and August 3 in Kapolcs and its surroundings.

Kapolcs is the place where you don't know what will you find in the next street, house or yard. It could be an artisan market, a spontaneous theatre performance, a folk dance group, some kind of world music concert, or just an old blacksmith sharing his awesome stories about the 60's with youngsters.
The mood is relaxed and friendly, while these small villages are always full of bursting energy. These days will make on fact crystal clear: Hungarian culture is incredibly diverse.
This huge festival hosts more than 500 programs on different locations for 10 days. Kapolcs, Vigántpetend, Taliándörögd, Monostorapáti, Pula and Csórompuszta awaits every culture vulture to this unique feast of arts.