On 27 September 27, World Tourism Day, tourism and its values are celebrated all around the world. At the Balaton, service providers surprise their guests with something pleasant.

Garabonc, 7 Chieftains Historical Adventure Park and Garabonciás Farm

Buy exclusive tickets at a discount price (2500 HUF/person).This includes the basic programmes, plus a snack lunch or a Dermalive capsule treatment at the Aphrodite Hotel.

Zalakaros, Wellness Hotel Aphrodite and Hotel Venus

Guests arriving on World Tourism Day receive full board in case of having reserved half board or an Aphrodite two-bed luxury room in case of having reserved the Venus superior standard room. The offer is subject to hotel capacity.

Tihany, Tourinform Office, 27 and 28 September

Two-day stamp collecting wandering on the Tihany Peninsula.Those who collect at least 5 stamps will receive a gift.

Partners: Régi Idők Udvara Restaurant and Skanzen, Doll Museum, Porta Pacis, Füstös Ház, Leisure Park, Kogart Gallery

Tihany, Levendula House Visitors' Centre

Adults receive a gift and the opportunity to participate in a handicraft workshop.

Veszprém, Sétál a család - Family Walk

A Tourinform guided walk from 10.30 to 12.00.