Borkikötő will bring 17 wineries, mostly from around Lake Balaton, to Balatonfüred’s Nem Kacsa Restaurant on March 15. The walking wine tasting will last from Thursday afternoon to late night. Here you can learn more about the terroirs from Szent György-hegy to Csopak, but you can also get to know the rare and unique reds and whites of Balaton. A winery from Pannonhalma and one from the south will also moor here.
Participating wineries:
- 2HA Vineyards and Wine Cellar
- Csendes Dűlő Estate
- Dobosi Winery
- Garamvári Vineyard
- Gilvesy Cellar
- Laposa Winery
- Liszkay Vineyard Estate
- Pántlika Cellar
- Petrányi Cellar
- Sabar-dűlő Winery
- Spiegelberg Artisan Winery
- Szent Donát Manor
- Cseri Winery
- Gyukli Cellar
- Kecze-Hady Artisan Winery
- Thetis Estate
- Von Beöthy Cellar