The Badacsony Circle will organize a Must Celebration, allowing visitors to participate in the most important festivity of the wine region, with special regard to the 50th anniversary of the harvest parade.

The harvest has been a central celebratory event in the life of the Badacsony community for centuries. Visitors are cordially invited to join the locals in sipping on some delicious grape juice at five locations.

Váli Wine Cellar
 - Badacsonyörs
Istvándy Wine Workshop - Badacsony 
Szeremley Winehouse - Badacsony 
Laposa Winery - Badacsony 
Kisfaludy-Ház - Badacsony

21:00 - Csík Zenekar concert
21:00 - After Party - DJ Embryo  (Istvándy Winery)