October revolves around Welschriesling and Vonyarcvashegy also participates in the countrywide tasting series.

The Festetics Helikon Taverna hosts a wine tasting aimed at choosing the Helikon Taverna Best Balaton Riesling.

Dóra Nagy of the Badacsonyi Research Institute will discuss the Welschriesling grape variety.


Borbély Pince – „Fröccsnekisjó” Welschriesling 2013
Laposa Pince – 4 Hegy Welschriesling 2013
Szeremley Birtok – Welschriesling 2012
Bussay Pince – Esküvé (Welschriesling - Riesling) 2011
Villa Tolnay Pince – Welschriesling 2009