The Korona restaurant in Hévíz invites everyone to its traditional St. Martin's Day Goose Dinner on 8 November!


Welcome wine: Cserszegi Fűszeres 2013  

Pressed foie de gras with red onion jam, sweet bread and roasted pine nuts
Wine: Lőczedombi Pinot gris 2012  

Goose essence with horseradish goose leg
Wine: Csopaki Riesling 2013  

Cholent with smoked goose breast
Wine: Siralomvágó Welschriesling 2011  

Goose breast stuffed with goose risotto with rosemary sauce
Wine: Csopaki Cabernet Franc 2012  

Chestnut rolls with chocolate sauce on a caramel mirror  
Wine: Ranolder red (cabernet franc) 2009

The award-winning wines are courtesy of Jásdi Wine Cellar.