The exhibition of Béla Hamvas' oeuvre is aimed at getting through the still valid and authentic thoughts of the writer-philosopher to the various generations, hoping that the once repressed creator would find understanding ears. The exhibition also includes works of art by significant Hungarian artists (Anna Margit, Ámos Imre, Bálint Endre, Ferenczy Károly, Gulácsi Lajos and Vajda Lajos), Hamvas' contemporaries, whom he and his wife discussed in an essay titled Revolution in Art.
'We walk many paths at once. Still, we are walking the same path.' (Hamvas Béla)
sights & culture
Utak a teljesség felé - in memoriam Béla Hamvas
Event details
Friday, 20 March 2015 5.00pm - Sunday, 19 April 2015 12.00am