We went to see the harvest parade between Mindszentkálla and Szentbékkálla, and a cockade weaved through the spokes of a bike was just one of the strange things there.
Mounting his fabulous horse, Prince Mirkó climbs the Glass Mountain, leaping all the way to the Silk Meadow to grapple with the devil soldiers, the Iron-nosed Hag and even the Dog-headed Creature!
Few restaurants can boast being almost exclusively visited by regular guests, and even fewer can count among their regulars the former president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and the Hungarian president.
On 16-20 June the Tihany Lavender Festival took place for the tenth time in the cosy Balaton town boasting a unique microclimate. We checked it out, tasted everything worth tasting and compiled a gallery of pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Travel back in space and time to the former holiday resort of Hungarian film production company Mafilm, now called Bagira Pension, where the genuine retro feeling is just one of the strengths. Skateboards, a leafy arbour and a free shuttle service also tip the scale in favour of this place.